Welcome to Our Farm Family, Help Us SHARE Our Milk!
Hello and welcome to our farm family! Thank you for stopping by our farm online! We help families reconnect to their agricultural roots by bringing farm life to your family through the life of a baby calf and its transition to an adult momma cow!
As a farm family, we are focusing on creating fresh wholesome milk, the old fashion way, and finding all-natural, local, farm fresh dairy products for our families! We work to help you know where your dairy products come from, and how your dairy products are produced! We can help you choose locally made, fresh, hormone free healthy dairy products!
First Step, – Make a baby calf a part of your family! As part of our farm family, we will bring to your family, fresh wholesome dairy products! We also make it possible to share with those who are less fortunate! –Read on to see how you can help!
When you purchase a baby calf, you will help someone who is less fortunate!
Each week, dairy products will be delivered to the homeless. You will be giving the gift of nutrition to less fortunate families through wholesome, locally produced, grass fed milk and other all-natural dairy products like butter, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.
We would love your help in bringing back to our local communities, the ability to connect with our local farmers and dairy families. We want to bring both your family, and those who are in need, fresh wholesome dairy products!
Provide a Local Source of Wholesome Dairy Products for Your Own Family!

Feed your family the milk produced by your very own cow! We love our milk and we want to share it with your family and with those that are less fortunate.
When we decided to share our farm life with others, it was important to us that in addition to building a farm life for our family, we also wanted be socially responsible! That means that as we work for you, and together we succeed, those who are less fortunate will benefit also!
This is our family and we believe in taking care of others!
More About Purchasing a Baby Calf?
Second…..Return to Your Agricultural Heritage!

Somewhere in your ancestry, your family was involved in agriculture! We want you to participate again! We know most people live far from the farm, but with today’s technology, you can be a part of our farm family from afar!
We are here to take care of your baby calf. Here at the farm we will feed your calf, water her, and make sure she stays warm, safe, and dry. We know how to take care of baby calves, it’s our life.
Want to see how it is done? Your family will be a part of what we do, through videos, pictures, social media posts, and live action cameras, we will bring your calf and the farm to you!
Third…..Share Our Milk With Someone Else!

You can choose to purchase a individual calf as a gift for someone who is less fortunate. We have many families in need that we are working with in our local community. We will deliver a certificate to them for a gallon of milk, or its dairy equivalent in cheese, yogurt, ice cream, or other assorted dairy products each week!
If you would like, you can nominate a individual/family of your choice that you know needs dairy products. We will then send their family a certificate each week to either take to their local grocery store, or to bring into our local farm store.